
All the latest news and updates from the world of tax. We look at new trends in achieving tax efficiency while assuming expatriate status.

We look at the ways in which double taxation can be avoided, the use of investment wrappers to reduce tax liability, planning tips for South African Expat Tax laws and for those with existing ties to America, we keep you abreast of FATCA.

Taxation for expats is a complex area, we aim to make sure our readers are fully informed with the latest developments in the intricacies of tax efficiency.

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Must Read Articles About Tax

Difference Between Residence And Domicile

For British expats, their residence and domicile determine how much tax they are likely to pay, both in the country where they live and UK.

Understanding residence and domicile is the foundation of tax and estate planning.

Capital Gains Tax For British Expats Selling UK Property

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) usually applies to taxpayers who live in the UK, but special rules bring expats and other non-residents into the tax net if they make a profit from selling a home while living overseas.

South Africa Expat Tax

South Africa expat tax is the new way tax is charged by the South African Revenue Service on income earned outside the country. You can find out below what it means to you when you plan your finances and work out how much tax you are likely to pay

Latest Tax News and Updates


The US anti-tax evasion law FATCA is provoking a lot …

Isle of Man FATCA

Hiding cash offshore has just become harder as another major …