Financial News

How To Take Your Mid-Life Health And Wealth MOT

How health and wealth have an impact on our lives is recognised in a new UK government web site that looks at giving out mid-life MOTs.

The MOT looks at three facets of someone’s life –  money, jobs and health.

A question is asked for each.

  • Will the retirement you get financially be the retirement you want?
  • Will your current job be suitable as you age?
  • Could your health stop you for caring for others or doing your job as you get older?

The MOT then directs people to other government-backed web sites for free information about what to do next.

Taking a look under the bonnet

Guy Opperman, the Minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion, said: “There comes a point in life’s journey when we need to take a closer look under the bonnet, when retirement no longer seems a million miles away but there’s still plenty of road ahead before we need to turn off towards retirement.

“A mid-life MOT can help people make sure everything is heading in the right direction – so everyone is fit for the road for years to come.

“But a MOT wouldn’t just benefit an individual. The evidence from trials shows that businesses providing them benefit massively, by having a healthier and more settled workforce.”

For now, workers can check out their estimated state pension when they retire, but in the future, the pensions dashboard will probably link in.

Focus on what’s important

Links take web users to The Pensions Advisory Service or Money Advice Service,

The new midlife MOT web site, is developed in partnership with Public Health England, the Money Advice Service and the National Careers Service

“  We all need to take stock at key points in our life, and the decisions you make now about money, work and health can help you get the retirement you want,” says the web site.

“Many of us are living longer, and if we want to enjoy later life, staying healthy and planning to have enough money to live on really matters.

“Getting older is an opportunity to focus on what’s important to you, and a mid-life MOT is a good place to start.”

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