
Retiring abroad can be a great experience – but the good times can also come with worries, particularly surrounding your pension and how it’s faring in today’s volatile marketplace. British pension rules are complicated and fast-changing, so it’s understandable those who live abroad can feel a bit ‘out of things.’

That’s where iExpats can help by delivering the latest headlines and key information explaining everything you need to know about claiming the State Pension from overseas and expat pensions.

Our writers also look behind the scenes at the latest trends in lifestyle and living abroad – including detailed reports about Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS), QNUPS and SIPPS.

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Must Read Articles About Retirement

Expat Pensions

What’s in a name for offshore expat pensions? Well, quite a lot as several similar but competing schemes are out there if you know where to look.

IFAs like to make the market seem more complicated by shrouding the products they offer behind confusing names, like QROPS, QNUPS and SIPP.

Why Defined Benefit Pension Transfer Reports Are Always Negative

Pension savers have lots of reasons for considering a defined benefit (DB) pension transfer but often find rules laid down by government financial watchdogs stonewall plans to make the switch

Lifetime Allowance For Expats Explained

Retirement seems a long way off when you start saving, but the years soon catch up and so do the limits on how much you can put in your pension pot.

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